The World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) commended the Gemological Institute of American (GIA) for its decision to return to printed Diamond Dossier reports as of April 9, 2023.
The GIA’s transition to digital reports was an important item on the agenda of the World Diamond Congress at the end of March 2023 in Israel. Many bourse presidents and delegates expressed their criticism of the digital reports, citing security issues and customers’ preference for written reports. It was decided that the WFDB would present this position to the GIA.
WFDB President Yoram Dvash immediately communicated the industry’s concerns to the GIA. Dvash said, “I had a long conversation with Tom Moses the day after the Congress and was happy to discover that he understood the challenges the industry has with the digital cert. We are very pleased that the GIA was sensitive to our needs and thank them for their cooperation and support.”
Dvash also thanked the WFDB bourse presidents and other leaders for supporting action on this issue at the World Diamond Congress, and especially thanked Alan Cohen for his important efforts in this regard.